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In India, the safety of individuals in care, including the infirm, elderly, and those requiring supported living, is of utmost importance. Robust fire evacuation procedures are essential for Assisted Living Facilities and Nursing Homes. Being prepared for emergencies ensures swift and safe evacuations for everyone in these facilities. Prioritizing their well-being is crucial. Let’s work together to create a secure environment and protect those in care during critical situations.

Why we need a senior living evacuation plan

In India, effective emergency evacuation plans are crucial due to the current unpredictable climate of terrorism, violence, fires, and extreme weather emergencies. Accommodating the individual needs of patrons or residents with physical disabilities, sensory disabilities, and those who may face challenges during emergencies is of utmost importance. The safety of personnel and visitors with disabilities must also be prioritized.

Assisted/senior living and/or nursing home administrators and staff in India have a moral, ethical, and legal responsibility to develop comprehensive emergency plans and share this information with all concerned parties. Ensuring the safety of the entire community during emergencies is paramount.

Let us unite in creating a safe environment for everyone in India. By prioritizing the safety and inclusivity of all individuals, including those with disabilities, we can ensure a secure and caring environment in assisted/senior living and nursing homes. Together, we can protect and prioritize the well-being of everyone during critical situations.

An evacuation plan should insure and include:
  • Full risk identification and prevention
  • Drills (identifying obstacles  as they arise and before an emergency occurs)
  • Equipment required and its usage
  • Training needs
  • Post drill evaluation to inform any changes necessary etc.

Senior living evacuation chairs, these are now essential for the safety of our patients, staff and visitors.